Our Symbol & Philosophy

Corporate Symbol
A symbolic representation of Otsuka Pharmaceutical’s corporate philosophy, our corporate symbol adopts the initial ”O” of our corporate name as a motif. Representing the sky above, the large “ O “ is rendered in gradations of Otsuka BLUE intended to signify “openness”, “freedom”, “intelligence”, and the “future”. The small “ O ” in Otsuka RED represents the “focused energy” of Otsuka Pharmaceutical, the wellspring of these tenets. Offsetting the two forms, poised in balance, the Otsuka name is spelled out in an open and friendly typeface. Our corporate symbol conveys Otsuka Pharmaceutical’s energetic commitment to human happiness through good health.
Giant Tomato Tree
Otsuka planted this tomato tree to remind us that we can unlock our unlimited potential if we free ourselves from the norms. Tomato trees usually produce only 50 to 60 tomatoes, but removing the soil and releasing the roots through hydroponics produces thousands of fruits per year, highlighting the power of potential if we think a little differently.

Bent Giant Cedar
Located inside the Vega Hall auditorium entrance is a large, bent cedar that maintains balance despite the illusion of instability. The sight of this curiously bending giant cedar tree with another trunk lying across it, resting on a single point, challenges our conceptions. Despite appearing precariously unsteady, the pair maintain a perfect balance, serving to break down stereotypes – a constant reminder of the importance of thinking differently.
The Floating Stones
This aquatic garden has large polished stones that seem to defy the laws of physics by floating on water. These gently curved granite stones represent Otsuka Pharmaceutical’s spirit and compassion in improving the lives of people through better health. This garden provides a relaxing space that stimulates creativity and helps foster the generation of new ideas.